A Delicious Cake with Amaretti Biscuits and Chocolate

best recipes using amaretti biscuits

I simply love amaretti biscuits! They are very popular and appreciated throughout Italy and are made from almonds. This Chocolate Cake with Amaretti is very simple, ideal if you have few time! That’s a delicious cake recipe made peculiar by the use of these popular Italian almond cookies. Amaretti can be use to make a lot of incredible cakes, like the Tiramisu with amaretti or the cake with amaretti and rum.

Ingredients needed

  • 150 gr of sugar
  • 4 eggs
  • 160 gr of flour
  • 100 gr of melted butter
  • 100 gr of dry amaretti biscuits
  • 100 gr of plain chocolate
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder (8 gr)

How to make the Cake with Amaretti and Chocolate

chocolate cake with amaretti recipe

1. Beat the egg whites

2. Then add the yolks previously mixed with the sugar

3. Add the flour, the amaretti (finely chopped), the chocolate (again finely chopped), the butter, and finally the baking powder, mixing all very well

4. Let cook in the oven at 180 °C (356 °F) for 30 minutes

Let me know about the result! and this is just one of the many cake recipes using amaretti biscuits 🙂


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