Cooking classes near Siena

Questions & AnswersCategoria: Planning Trip to TuscanyCooking classes near Siena
Anonimo asked 9 anni ago
Cooking classes near Siena

We are now planning activities during our trip. Maybe you can suggest some cooking classes for a reasonable price near Siena? Regards, Ginta

1 Risposte
elena nacci Staff answered 9 anni ago
Hi Ginta,
Thanks a lot for contacting me!
Among some of the best cooking classes near Siena, I suggest 2 options:
– The cooking classes held by Giulia at Jul’s Kitchen in Colle Val d’Elsa near Siena
– The cooking classes held by Farmhouse il Rigo south of Siena
Take a look and let me know if you need any more suggestions,
elena from Florence