Looking for a car service from Rome to Tuscany

Questions & AnswersCategoria: Planning Trip to ItalyLooking for a car service from Rome to Tuscany
Anonimo asked 9 anni ago
Looking for a car service from Rome to Tuscany

Hi there! My husband and I are planning a trip to Italy for our honeymoon. We’d like to arrange a car service to take us from Rome to wherever we end up staying in Tuscany, with the hopes of stopping in a town or two for lunch or a vineyard/winery tour on the way up. Do you have any recommendations for a company that arranges for as much?

1 Risposte
elena nacci Staff answered 9 anni ago
Hello! Thanks for contacting me! 
Congratulations on your honeymoon Italy is the perfect place for such a special event!
Tours in Tuscany” offers an excellent car service from Rome to Tuscany, take a look.
For any other help or suggestion you may need, do not hesitate to contact me again,
Happy planning,