Are there any cooking classes for parent and child near Montecastello

Questions & AnswersCategoria: General Info on TuscanyAre there any cooking classes for parent and child near Montecastello
Anonimo asked 9 anni ago
Are there any cooking classes for parent and child near Montecastello?

Hi, was just interested in doing a cooking class with my daughter who is 7yrs old, i think it would be fun. We are staying about 45 mins from Pisa, near Montecastillo.  We are travelling on Monday week and will stay for one week.

1 Risposte
elena nacci Staff answered 9 anni ago
Hi Rebecca,
I suppose you refer to the small village called Montecastello, in the province of Pisa.
You may consider the cooking courses offered at Agriturismo La Serra, at just half an hour driving from Montecastello. Take a look and for further suggestions do not hesitate to contact me again!
Enjoy your Tuscan stay!